Snider’s Outdoor Power

Located on Highway 14 in Aurora!! - 310 16th Street

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Welcome to Snider’s Outdoor Power

Scott's experience with small engines started in 1983...Starting from working with small engines back in high school, attending Central Community College in Hastings, working years in Grand Island Nebraska under Jerry Grone and going on his own eventually.  Scott started working in his garage years ago when he was still at IAMS as he loved doing what he loved to do-making things work again, and making people happy.  He took the leap one day with the help from a friend and rented a building to go part time running a small business and give it a try running his own small engine repair shop.  Little did he know it would grow so quick.  Within his first year of business and working his other full time job, he found himself making another decision to let the shop go full throttle.  Within a couple more years he was already outgrowing his little shop and looking to expand again.  In the Spring of 2016 the Business relocated to its current location a 310 16th St, just south of the underpass on Hwy 14 in Aurora.  His wife Monica has been by his side in the business the entire time helping with the bookwork and sometimes behind the counter.  They have a fun staff that are part of the family working with the same morals and work ethic that Snider's Outdoor Power strives to for.  You'll find over 35 years of experience with our expert staff around the shop.  We are very happy with where things are going and have family morals and treat our clients as friends and family. We keep things honest and will go into detail to make sure you understand what services are being preformed or every detail of the products we stand behind 100%.  Customer service and satisfaction is our number one priority.

        Contact Us

Have a question? Request a call by filling out the quick form below.

Stay Connected

There are many ways to interact with Snider’s Outdoor Power,
Aurora, NE  68818. Stay connected!


  Summer Winter
Monday 8-5:30 8-5:30
Tuesday 8-5:30 8-5:30
Wednesday 8-5:30
Thursday 8-5:30
Friday 8-5:30

Saturday 9-1:00 Closed
Sunday Closed Closed

Store Information

Snider’s Outdoor Power
310 16th Street
Aurora, NE  68818
Phone: (402) 694-5904
Text: (833) 457-2738

Snider’s Outdoor Power Location

Web Design and Website Development by Netphoria Inc.